Wednesday, May 30, 2012

99% Don't do it right!

The System
Copyright © DeShawn Ducksworth
I Own My Life

Understand that Network Marketing is all about..... (drum roll).....


When your system is working as desired, you don't have to "sell."

When your system is working as desired, you don't have to ask people to join your business... They ask you!

When your system is working as desired, you don't have to post "work at home" fliers on car windows.

When your system is working as desired, people PAY YOU to prospect them.

When your system is working as desired, anyone can duplicate your success just by plugging into the system.

When your system is working as desired, you and your team members make cash quickly, even from people who DON'T join your organization.

When your system is working as desired, anyone can plug into the system and make money their very first day.

The problem is that 99% of network marketers don't do it right, because they don't know how to market.

My system creates desire and increases belief. My system teaches leadership and expresses your personal value through marketing.

Best of all it can be duplicated!!!

About the Author:
To find the best home based business idea and
opportunity so you can work at home visit:
CEO of Fun

Eight Star Diamond Factory

Copyright © DeShawn Ducksworth Eight Star Diamond Factory

I have a vision of building a significant down line. This down line is a well oiled machine. It is self sustaining and requires little to no maintenance. Do this sound too far fetched? Imagine an automobile manufacturing plant. I can still remember very vividly my father working for Chrysler. There was an assembly line of people to piece together each vehicle step by step. Then the age of technology took over and many of the workers began to get laid off from their jobs. Computers and robots replaced the old methods and the factories became more efficient. The factory practically ran itself. How does that relate to home business and network marketing? Well times are changing and the information and technology age has taken over. Knocking door to door, cold calling, and having home parties are no longer necessary. A meeting can be held over the computer or better yet a smart phone. The training and sponsoring of your prospects can be automated. With the right tools and technology your home business will become a diamond factory. The factory will care for your prospect from start to finish. Some may ask, "Isn't that a little too impersonal?" Even with the age of technology, you have to have programmers, trainers, and specialist. So it is up to us to educate ourselves. We have to become the experts who create and establish the system. Having a system is paramount. Boiled down to its most basic elements, a system is nothing more than a standardized set of tools and instructions. In business your product has to move for you to make money. To move your product you need an effective system. Have you created your system yet?

Marketing = Your System

Lamborghini Factory

About the Author: ----------------------------------------------------------------- To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: Eight Star Diamond Factory -----------------------------------------------------------------